IV Therapy 2022: IV Fluid (intravenous) therapy for Children

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You are currently viewing IV Therapy 2022: IV Fluid (intravenous) therapy for Children

Intravenous therapy, also known as IV therapy, is a treatment where necessary fluids are infused directly into the bloodstream through a vein. The fluids can be medicines, nutrition, vitamins, or blood. Trained healthcare experts will use a small plastic tubing also known as Cannula that goes into the vein. The other end of the plastic tubing is connected to a bag of fluid. IV system consists of Cannula, a needle, and plastic tubing. The best part of IV therapy is it permits giving more than one fluid at the same time.
Mostly used IV fluids in Dubai contains water, glucose (sugar), vitamins. And electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and chloride. Considering your child’s weight and condition, a healthcare expert will decide the type of fluid, the amount, and how fast the fluid is given to your child.

Step-by-step procedure of IV therapy in Dubai

  • The Cannula is a small plastic tube that consists of a needle inside. It works as a guide. The doctor will place the cannula into a vein in your kid’s hand, arm, or foot. The needle will go into the vein. Once the cannula is in the right position, your doctor will remove the needle.
  • To keep the cannula in the same place, it will be taped to the skin.
  • The other part of the plastic tube will be connected to a larger tube that is connected to the bag of fluid. Now, this system will carry the fluid from the IV bag into the vein.
  • For the extra precautions, the healthcare experts may tape the board under the arm or leg. If you move the hand vigorously or bend it while on IV, it may hurt a little or in some cases, the IV comes out. That is why extra precautions are necessary.
  • It’s not necessary to use the cannula in every IV therapy. If your child needs IV Therapy only for a few minutes then the doctor may use the special needle without a cannula. Once the IV therapy is done, they will remove the needle immediately.
  • This is the basic procedure. There might be few changes in the IV therapy of your child. But the basics will remain the same.

How to take care of your baby on the IV therapy in Dubai

  • You can still play with your baby on IV therapy. Take extra care while bathing the baby on IV therapy. Do not let the water wet the area where the cannula is taped. The nurse will help you to wrap the IV.
  • Do not let the IV move, it might hurt the baby.
  • Take care while moving the baby from the crib and putting back.
  • No matter where the IV is taped to the baby, make sure the IV tubing is not caught, pulled, or blocked.

Read more: Why Teleconsultation is the next Big Thing.

How to take care of your child on the IV therapy in Dubai

  • A child with an IV can still do daily routine things. Make sure your child will not pull or block the IV tubing.
  • While taking bath, take care of the cannula and do not let it get wet. Ask the nurse if you need any help.
  • Do not sit on the IV tubing and make sure the Cannula doesn’t get caught under the child’s body.

How the doctor controls the flow of the IV fluid

An infusion pump machine is used to control the speed of IV drip. The fluid rate can be different for a different child. It depends on the weight and condition of your child. Your doctor will set the fluid rate in the machine. If there are any changes in the set fluid rate, the doctor will correct it as per the need.

Read more: IV Therapy at home in Dubai 2022: Introduction, Benefits & Types

Possible situations that may occur while the IV is in the Vein of your child:

Your child will be under constant observation of the nurses. Although it’s one of the safest treatments, sometimes the following common problems may happen. Infiltration is the most common in IV therapy. Cannula comes out of the vein and the IV fluid goes into skin tissues. The expert team of doctors will check the location where the cannula is taped. They will constantly observe and compare both the arms, legs, or sides of the scalp. If something unusual happens, your doctor will immediately stop the IV.
The redness, pain, and puffiness are the signs of infiltration. It’s common during IV therapy. The nurses will reduce the puffiness by applying warm or cold compresses. They will remove the IV and restart to different places.
Another common problem during IV Therapy is irritation of the IV site also known as Phlebitis. Antibiotics, Calcium, and nutritional formulas are the main causes for Phlebitis. In the case of Phlebitis, the nurses will remove the IV and restart it at a different location.

Read more: IV Therapy FAQs

Although your doctors will keep an eye on your child, make sure you will approach them if the following things happen:

  • The pump alarm goes off.
  • The IV tubing comes off or if the child pulls the tubing.
  • Redness or irritation at the IV site or if it gets wet.
  • The IV site causes irritation or pain.

What happens after the IV Therapy

After the IV therapy is complete the nurse will remove the whole setup from your child’s arm. The cannula removal may cause a little bleeding. The nurse will apply pressure to stop the bleeding.
When the cannula is removed, your child may feel a little pinch at the IV site. Also after removing the taping and support, your child may feel stiffness at the IV site.
If you have any questions, please ask the nurse or doctor.
Get 100% efficient IV fluids at home in Dubai, UAE. Book at-home IV fluids service for dehydration by licensed & trained infusion nurses.

Mr. Vinay Kadam did the research and writing of this article. He is a member of the Content writing Team of WebCof. Vinay graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering from Pune University, IN. Vinay has in-depth knowledge of content marketing and copywriting. He is also a Google certified Digital Marketing Manager.

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