Тестирование на ЗППП в Дубае

Откройте для себя премиальные услуги по тестированию на ЗППП/ВИЧ в Дубае в отеле или дома

Тест на ВИЧ на дому в Дубае:
100% секрет


HIV \ STI Test In Dubai With Same Day Results

Medilife Global — ведущий поставщик медицинских услуг на дому в Дубае. Мы предлагаем широкий спектр специализированных медицинских услуг: от тестов на ЗППП, тестов на ВИЧ в Дубае, анализов крови и терапии NAD IV до самого быстрого ПЦР-теста на дому. Наши квалифицированные специалисты проводят в лаборатории технологически продвинутые тесты на ЗППП и получают высокоточные результаты. Наша цель — предоставить нашим клиентам лучшие услуги по уходу на дому в Дубае по конкурентоспособным ценам. Мы обеспечиваем нашим клиентам 100% конфиденциальность, результаты в тот же день и консультации врачей, сертифицированных DHA. По рекомендации врача-гинеколога или уролога вы можете пройти полное обследование на наличие ЗППП/ИППП в Medilife Dubai. Вы можете сдать тест на ИППП/ВИЧ в Дубае в любой день (включая выходные и праздники). Запишитесь сегодня на тест на ЗППП в Дубае! Пройдите тест на ВИЧ в Дубае и тест на ЗППП в Дубае и живите без забот все дни. Тест на выявление ВИЧ в Дубае на дому в Дубае

types of STD/HIV tests in STD CLINIC dubai

Nucleic Acid Tests (NAT)

Antigen / Antibody Test

Antibody Tests


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  • Получите точное и конфиденциальное тестирование на ВИЧ в Дубае с помощью наших услуг раннего выявления. Обеспечьте себе душевное спокойствие с помощью быстрых и надежных результатов теста на ВИЧ в Дубае, проведенного квалифицированными медицинскими работниками. Закажите тест на ВИЧ сегодня и будьте в безопасности и здоровы.


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  • Пройдите комплексный тест на 7 возбудителей ИППП в Дубае для точного обнаружения и спокойствия. Наш скрининг охватывает все основные ИППП и дает быстрые и конфиденциальные результаты. Закажите тест сегодня в клинике Medilife Clinic, чтобы получить надежное и профессиональное обслуживание.

13 возбудителей ИППП Test Dubai

Exclusive of VAT (5%)
  • Обеспечьте свое сексуальное здоровье с помощью нашего тестирования на 13 возбудителей ИППП в Дубае. Пройдите комплексное и конфиденциальное обследование на все основные ИППП в клинике Medilife. Запишитесь на прием сегодня, чтобы получить точные результаты и профессиональный уход.


Exclusive of VAT (5%)
  • Mycoplasma Hominis
  • Mycoplasma Genitalium
  • Hemophilus Dacreyi
  • Gardnerella Vaginalis
  • Candida Albicans
  • Treponema Pallidum
  • Urine Analysis
  • Urine Culture


Exclusive of VAT (5%)
  • Hemophilus Ducreyi
  • Gardnerella Vaginalis
  • Candida Albicans + 4 Candida
  • Treponema Pallidum
  • Herpes Simplex Virus I
  • Herpes Simplex Virus II


Exclusive of VAT (5%)
  • Chlamydia Trachomatis
  • Neisseria Gonorrhoea
  • Trichonomas Vaginalis
  • Ureaplasma Parvum
  • Ureaplasma Urealyticum
  • Mycoplasma Hominis
  • Mycoplasma Genitalium
  • Hemophilus Dacreyi
  • Gardnerella Vaginalis
  • Candida Albicans
  • Candida Tropicansi
  • Candida Parapsilosis
  • Candida Krusei
  • Candida Glabrata
  • Treponema Pallidum
  • Urine Analysis
  • Urine Culture


250Aed / Test Each
Exclusive of VAT (5%)

250 Aed
250 Aed
250 Aed


Exclusive of VAT (5%)
  • Пройдите тщательное обследование сексуального здоровья с помощью нашего комплексного анализа крови на ЗППП в Дубае. Быстрое, конфиденциальное и точное тестирование на все основные ЗППП, такое как тест на ВИЧ в Дубае. Позаботьтесь о своем здоровье и душевном спокойствии. Запишитесь на прием сегодня!



Exclusive of VAT (5%)
  • Регулярное тестирование на ВИЧ в Дубае – конфиденциально и надежно. Обеспечьте свое здоровье с помощью регулярного тестирования на ВИЧ в Дубае. Наши сдержанные и надежные услуги предлагают быстрые результаты и профессиональный уход. Запишитесь на прием сегодня, чтобы оставаться в курсе и быть защищенным.


Exclusive of VAT (5%)
  • Express HIV Blood Test in Dubai – Fast & Confidential Results

    Get your HIV blood test in Dubai with our express service. Fast, reliable, and confidential testing to ensure your health and peace of mind. Schedule your appointment today!


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  • Super Express HIV Test in Dubai – Fast Results

    Get fast results with our Super Express HIV Test in Dubai. Confidential, reliable, and quick HIV testing for your peace of mind. Book now for immediate service!



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  • HIV Rapid Test in Dubai – Quick & Confidential Results

    Experience fast and reliable results with our HIV Rapid Test in Dubai. Confidential testing with quick turnaround. Book your appointment today for HIV Test in Dubai !



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Exclusive of VAT (5%)

What is STD Test?

Тестирование на ЗППП/Тест на ИППП – это лабораторный набор тестов, который позволяет выявить возбудителей, вызывающих заболевания, передающиеся половым путем. К венерическим заболеваниям относятся сифилис, гонорея, СПИД/ВИЧ, вирусные гепатиты В и С, герпес, ВПЧ, хламидии, микоплазмы, трихомониаз, цитомегаловирус, мочевина плазмы и некоторые кожные заболевания. Заболевания, передающиеся половым путем, доставляют массу неудобств, начиная от дискомфорта и заканчивая невозможностью вести нормальный образ жизни. Своевременная диагностика и лечение ЗППП устраняют эти неудобства. Кроме того, невылеченное заболевание может перейти в хроническую форму, поражать другие органы и вызывать бесплодие или импотенцию. Если вас беспокоят какие-либо неприятные симптомы или есть подозрение на ЗППП, немедленно пройдите тест на ИППП в Дубае. Когда вы думаете о тестировании на ЗППП/ВИЧ в Дубае, Medilife Global  – это компания, которой вы можете доверять, потому что мы предлагаем лучший тест на ЗППП в Дубае по лучшим ценам. Свяжитесь сегодня!


HIV Test In Dubai At Home

Тестирование на ВИЧ В ДУБАЕ доступно во многих медицинских центрах, клиниках, больницах и специализированных центрах тестирования. Вы можете найти эти сайты тестирования с помощью поиска в Интернете или связавшись с MEDILIFE по телефону +971 52 345 2646. Тест на выявление ВИЧ обычно включает либо анализ крови, либо мазок из ротовой полости. Тест ищет антитела или антигены, связанные с вирусом ВИЧ, чтобы определить, инфицирован ли человек. Крайне важно пройти тестирование на ВИЧ для раннего выявления и лечения, поскольку ранняя диагностика позволяет своевременно начать лечение, улучшить показатели здоровья и снизить риск передачи инфекции другим людям. В ДУБАЕ Воспользуйтесь онлайн-ресурсами или свяжитесь с местными департаментами здравоохранения ИЛИ MEDILIFE, чтобы найти ближайшие пункты тестирования на ВИЧ. Регулярный скрининг на ВИЧ необходим для поддержания хорошего здоровья и предотвращения распространения вируса.


When to Get Tested for STDs and HIV test in Dubai?

Indications for testing for STDs are manifestations of symptoms specifically categorized for this group of diseases.In dubai HIV test is so easyto do depending on your symptoms. These symptoms for STD include:

  • Pain in the genital area (lower abdomen),
  • Skin rashes in the genital area,
  • Pathological discharge from the genital tract,
  • Burning and pain during urination.
  • In the treatment of infertility, since STDs are one of the most common causes of infertility,
  • When planning and managing pregnancy (allows to reduce the risk of miscarriage),
  • As part of a screening examination to detect latent infections,
  • After unprotected intercourse.


Convenient HIV Blood Test Solutions At-Home IN DUBAI

Discover the convenience of at-home HIV blood testing with our reliable and discreet kits. Get accurate results without the need for clinic visits, all from the comfort of your home. Order your kit today for peace of mind and assurance. Our discreet testing solutions allow you to collect a blood sample in the comfort of your own home or hotel. Our at-home HIV blood test in Dubai make testing simple and stress-free. Order yours today and take control of your health with confidence.

At-Home STD CHECK UP DUBAI Solutions

Take charge of your sexual health with our at-home STD check up Service. Get accurate HIV Test in Dubai results from the comfort and privacy of your home, hotel or office, without the need for clinic visits. Protect your sexual health with our at-home STD Screening solutions in Dubai . Don't let concerns about confidentiality or embarrassment hold you back. Order your test today for discreet and convenient STI test in Dubai.

DUBAI HIV Testing at HOme Services

Access reliable and confidential HIV testing services in Dubai. We understand the importance of privacy and accuracy when it comes to HIV testing in Dubai, Our experienced team provides discreet testing options for accurate results and peace of mind. Our knowledgeable staff is here to provide support and guidance throughout the testing process, ensuring you receive the care and attention you deserve. Schedule your appointment today for professional and compassionate care.

At-Home HIV Test IN DUBAI: Confidential & Convenient

Relax with our at-home HIV test service in Dubai. Our discreet blood test allows you to test in dubai for HIV in the privacy of your home or hotel with accurate results delivered quickly. Discover the convenience and confidentiality of HIV testing in the comfort of your own home. Our at-home HIV test service are easy to use and provide accurate results, allowing you to take control of your health with peace of mind. Don't wait, get tested today for peace of mind and assurance.

STD Blood Checkup In Dubai

ВЫ ИЩЕТЕ АНАЛИЗ КРОВИ НА ДОМУ В ДУБАЕ ДЛЯ АНАЛИЗА ЗППП или теста на ВИЧ в Дубае. Обследование на ЗППП включает консультацию с врачом, медицинский осмотр, обсуждение симптомов и сексуального анамнеза, а также сбор образцов для тестирования В КОМФОРТЕ ВАШ ДОМ ИЛИ ОТЕЛЬ. Эти тесты на ЗППП/ИППП можно проводить в клиниках, медицинских центрах, больницах и специализированных центрах тестирования на ЗППП или с использованием наборов для тестирования крови на ЗППП в домашних условиях В ДУБАЕ. Домашние тесты на ЗППП особенно удобны, поскольку они позволяют вам собирать такие образцы, как кровь, моча или мазки, в уединении вашего собственного дома, и отправлять их в лабораторию для анализа В ДУБАЕ. Этот незаметный вариант обеспечивает конфиденциальность и удобство, облегчая людям возможность пройти тестирование без посещения медицинского учреждения.


Experience comprehensive sexual health care at our STD clinic in Dubai. Our STI clinic offers confidential and reliable HIV Test in Dubai STD tests, including thorough STD check-ups and screenings. Book your appointment today for professional STD testing in Dubai.

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At-Home STD Blood Testing Solutions

1. What is STD and STI testing? STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) testing involve screening for infections transmitted through sexual contact. These tests can detect infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HIV, and others.STD Test Dubai Service is available at Medilife and you may contact Medilife STD Clinic In dubai for consultations @+97152 345 2646.
2. Why is HIV testing important? HIV testing is crucial for early detection and treatment. Early diagnosis allows for timely treatment, which can improve health outcomes and reduce the risk of transmission to others.In Dubai HIV test is available through Medilife STD clinic home sample blood collection service and for booking you cantact +97152 345 2646
3. What types of tests are used for STD and STI testing? STD and STI testing can include blood tests, urine tests, swabs from the genital area, and sometimes throat or rectal swabs, depending on the type of infection suspected.
4. How is an HIV detection test performed? An HIV detection test typically involves a blood test or an oral swab. The test looks for antibodies or antigens associated with the HIV virus to determine if a person is infected.
5. Where can I find STD testing near me in Dubai? STD testing in Dubai is available at various locations , including clinics, health centers, and specialized STD testing centers and Home Care clinics . You can search online or contact Medilife @ +971 523 45 2646 to find testing sites near you and also for blood sample collection from home in dubai.
6. What services are provided by an STD clinic near me? An STD clinic in dubai provides Std HIV testing, diagnosis, treatment, and counseling for sexually transmitted infections. They may also offer preventive services like vaccinations and educational resources.In Dubai you can search online or contact Medilife @ +971 52 345 2646 to find testing sites near you
7. What is involved in an HIV testing and STD screening near me? STD screening typically involves a physical examination, a discussion of symptoms and sexual history, and collection of samples (blood, urine, or swabs) for laboratory testing.
8. How can I find an STD testing clinic near me? You can find an STD testing clinic near you by searching online, using health department resources, or contacting local healthcare providers for recommendations or contact Medilife STD Testing Clinic @ +971 52 345 2646 to find testing sites near you.
9. Are there STD testing centers near me that offer walk-in services? Many STD testing centers offer walk-in services. Check with local clinics or health centers to confirm their policies and hours of operation.You may Contact Medilife @ +971 523 45 2646 to find testing sites near you
10. Can I get an at-home STD and STI test in Dubai? Yes, at-home STD and STI tests are available. These blood kits allow you to collect samples at home and send them to a lab for analysis, providing privacy and convenience. Contact Medilife @ +971 523 45 2646 to find testing sites near you.
11. Where can I find testing for STIs near me? Testing for STIs can be found at clinics, health centers, hospitals, and specialized STI testing centers. Online searches and local health department resources can help locate nearby testing facilities.
12. What is involved in an STI testing center near me? An STI testing center offers services such as sample collection, lab testing, diagnosis, treatment, and counseling for sexually transmitted infections.You may Contact Medilife @+971 523 45 2646 to find testing sites near you
13. How can I access Dubai HIV testing centres near me? HIV testing is available at many health centers, clinics, hospitals, and specialized testing facilities. Online searches and local health resources can help locate testing sites.
14. Where can I get an HIV check near me in Dubai? HIV checks are available at clinics, health centers, hospitals, and dedicated HIV testing facilities. Use online resources or contact local health departments for nearby options.
15. How do I find HIV screening near me in Dubai? HIV screening can be found at various healthcare facilities, including clinics, health centers, and hospitals. Online searches and health department resources can help identify locations.
16. What are at-home STD tests in Dubai? At-home STD tests allow individuals to collect samples (like blood, urine, or swabs) at home and send them to a lab for analysis. These tests provide privacy and convenience.
17. What does an STD doctor do? An STD doctor specializes in diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted infections. They provide medical advice, treatment options, and preventive care to manage and reduce the spread of STDs.
18. Can I get in Dubai STD screening at home Services ? Yes, you can get STD screening at home using at-home test kits. These kits allow you to collect samples and send them to a lab for testing, providing a discreet option for screening.
19. What is involved in an STD checkup in dubai? In Dubai an STD checkup involves a consultation with a healthcare provider, physical examination, discussion of symptoms and sexual history, and collection of samples for testing and getting treated based on you symptoms and test reports.
20. Where can I get herpes testing near me? Herpes testing is available at clinics, health centers, hospitals, and specialized STD testing facilities. Use online searches or contact local health resources to find nearby options.


The method allows you to detect the infection present in the body, even in minimal quantities. PCR diagnostics is carried out for a specific type of infection.

HIV test Dubai results are typically available in 30 minutes or less. The samples for the test are usually obtained with blood from a finger prick or oral fluid for quick antibody screening.

For the protection of both the mother and the fetus, all pregnant women should undergo HIV testing. The transfer of HIV to the unborn child can be stopped if a positive test result is discovered early in the pregnancy.

You will receive the HIV test results in the most confidential way possible. Your test results are kept completely private by Medilife Global. Our STD clinic Dubai health professionals will collect the sample at your home.

Some of the best STD check-up clinics in Dubai include:

Medilife Home Care Clinic Dubai: : Known for comprehensive STD testing and treatment. Medilife Offers a wide range of STD screening services and they provides confidential, Private and professional STD testing at home in Dubai.

Dubai London Clinic: comprehensive STD testing and treatment.

American Hospital Dubai: Wide range of STD Checkup services.

Medcare Hospital: Provides Private and professional STD test.

Yes, if they are from reputable brands and properly used.Look for FDA-approved or CE-marked kits.

Purchase a reliable test kit.Follow the instructions for sample collection. Send the sample to the designated lab.

Wait for results, which are typically provided online.

Online retailers like Medilifepharmacy.com or local pharmacies.Health stores and some clinics also sell them.

Results are usually available within 24 hours to a few days to a week, depending on the lab processing time.

Major hospitals like American Hospital Dubai, Medilife Cinics, and Medcare Hospital.

Specialized sexual health clinics and doctors are available in Dubai

STD: Refers to diseases with symptoms.

STI: Refers to infections that may not show symptoms.

Both terms are often used interchangeably, but testing covers both asymptomatic and symptomatic conditions.

Use local directories or search engines to find nearby clinics. General practitioners and urologists/gynecologists often offer STI testing and STD treatments.You may Contact Medilife @+971 52 345 2646 for more informations

Call the clinic directly @ +971 52 345 2646 or visit their website. Many clinics offer online booking systems.

Yes, clinics such as Medilife clinic, Dubai London Clinic and American Hospital Dubai specialize in sexual health and STI testing.

Blood tests such as RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin) and TPHA (Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay).

Major hospitals, specialized clinics, and community health centers in Dubai.

Local health clinics, family planning centers, and specialized STD clinics.

  • Accuracy: At-home tests are generally accurate but depend on correct sample collection and following instructions.
  • Reliability: Clinic tests are typically more reliable due to professional sample collection and lab analysis.
  • Confirmation: Positive results from at-home tests should be confirmed by a healthcare professional.

Yes, there are at-home STD test available in Dubai. These can be booked online. You may contact Medilife @ +971 52 345 2646 for more details.

Approach the conversation with honesty and care. Explain the importance of testing for both of your health. Offer to go for testing together.

Encourage open communication about the risks and importance of testing.

Consider seeking advice from a healthcare provider or counselor.

Yes, if one partner was infected before the relationship began or if there is infidelity.


Chlamydia: Painful urination, discharge, pelvic pain.

Gonorrhea: Burning during urination, discharge, testicular pain.

Syphilis are usually detected via blood tests and are treated with antibiotics, usually penicillin.

HPV testing for men is less common but can be done through visual inspection and swabs for anal HPV. There is no approved test for HPV in men, but high-risk individuals may be screened.

Many clinics offer walk-in appointments, but it’s best to call ahead to confirm availability.

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    STI Test in Dubai, UAE

    Importance of STD Testing in Dubai

    Regular STD testing is vital for maintaining good health and ensuring peace of mind. Whether you’re experiencing symptoms or simply want reassurance, getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) allows for early detection and effective treatment. In Dubai, several clinics offer reliable and comprehensive STD testing services.

    Top STD Testing Services in Dubai

    STD Test in Dubai: Numerous clinics across Dubai provide confidential and thorough STD testing services. These include blood tests, urine tests, and swabs to detect a wide range of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

    STD Check Dubai: Routine STD check-ups are essential for sexually active individuals. Our clinic offers comprehensive STD check-ups that include various tests to detect different STIs, ensuring your health and safety.

    STD in Dubai: With a variety of clinics and specialized centers, Dubai offers excellent options for STD testing and treatment. These facilities provide privacy and professional care to address your concerns.

    Medilife Home Care Clinic: Your Trusted Partner for STD Testing

    At Medilife Home Care Clinic, we are dedicated to providing top-quality STD testing services in Dubai. Our clinic is equipped with advanced technology and experienced medical professionals to ensure accurate and timely results.

    Comprehensive Testing Options

    Blood Testing Dubai: Blood tests are one of the most common methods for detecting STDs. They can identify infections such as HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis.

    STD UAE: Medilife Home Care Clinic offers comprehensive STD testing services throughout the UAE. Our clinic ensures that you receive accurate results and professional care.

    Home Blood Test Dubai: For your convenience, we provide home blood test services, allowing you to get tested without leaving your home.

    At Home STD Check in Dubai: Our at-home STD check services offer privacy and convenience, enabling you to test for STDs from the comfort of your home.

    Affordable and Convenient Testing

    STD Check Dubai: Our clinic offers affordable and comprehensive STD check-ups. Regular testing helps in early detection and effective treatment of STIs.

    STD UAE: We provide a wide range of STD testing services across the UAE, ensuring that you receive the necessary care and attention.

    Full Blood STI Test Dubai: Our full blood test service covers a variety of tests to detect different STIs, providing you with a complete health assessment.

    STD Screening Dubai: Early detection is crucial for effective treatment. Our clinic offers thorough STD screening services to ensure your health and safety.

    Confidential and Reliable Services

    STD Test in Dubai: Medilife Home Care Clinic provides confidential STD testing services to ensure your privacy. Our team of professionals is committed to offering the best care.

    TEST STD UAE: We offer comprehensive STD testing services across the UAE, ensuring that you receive accurate results and professional care.

    STD Check Dubai: Regular STD check-ups are essential for maintaining good health. Our clinic offers thorough and confidential STD testing services.

    STD in Dubai: Dubai has numerous clinics and specialized centers for STD testing and treatment. Medilife Home Care Clinic is among the leading providers, ensuring privacy and professional care.

    At Medilife Home Care Clinic, we are committed to providing comprehensive, confidential, and convenient STD testing services in Dubai and across the UAE. Our range of at-home and in-clinic testing options ensures you get the care you need while maintaining your privacy. Contact us today to schedule your test and take control of your health.

    How much is full STD screening test cost and what are the tests included?

    STD Screening in Dubai: Cost of Full STD Screening Test in Dubai, Cost and Inclusions

    The cost of a full STD screening test in Dubai can vary depending on the clinic and the specific tests included. Generally, a comprehensive STD screening package ranges from AED 250 to AED 1500. At Medilife Home Care Clinic, we offer competitive pricing and high-quality testing services to ensure you receive the best care.

    Inclusions in a Full STD Screening Test

    A full STD screening test typically includes a variety of tests to detect common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Here’s a breakdown of the tests usually included:

    1. HIV Test (HIV 1 & 2, HIV RNA PCR)
      • Detects the presence of HIV antibodies and viral RNA.
      • Ensures early detection of the virus.
    2. Syphilis Test
      • Blood test to detect antibodies produced in response to the Treponema pallidum bacteria.
      • Includes Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) and Treponemal tests.
    3. Chlamydia Test
      • Urine sample or swab test to detect the presence of Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria.
      • Includes Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT).
    4. Gonorrhea Test
      • Urine sample or swab test to detect Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria.
      • Often combined with Chlamydia testing using NAAT.
    5. Hepatitis B and C Tests
      • Blood tests to detect Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and Hepatitis C antibodies.
      • Includes viral load tests if initial screening is positive.
    6. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Test
      • Blood test to detect antibodies for HSV-1 and HSV-2.
      • May include swab tests for active sores.
    7. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Test
      • For women: Pap smear and HPV DNA test to detect high-risk HPV types.
      • For men: Visual inspection and HPV DNA test (if available).
    8. Trichomoniasis Test
      • Urine sample or swab test to detect Trichomonas vaginalis.
      • NAAT is commonly used for accurate detection.
    9. Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Tests
      • Urine sample or swab test to detect these bacteria.
      • Includes culture or NAAT.
    10. Comprehensive Blood Test Panel
      • Includes complete blood count (CBC), liver function tests (LFTs), and kidney function tests (KFTs) to assess overall health and detect any complications related to STIs.

    Additional Services

    • Confidential Consultation: Professional and private consultation to discuss your sexual health and testing needs.
    • Immediate Results: Some tests, such as rapid HIV and syphilis tests, provide results within 30 minutes.
    • Follow-Up Care: Post-test counseling and treatment options if any STIs are detected.

    Why Choose Medilife Home Care Clinic?

    At Medilife Home Care Clinic, we are dedicated to providing high-quality, confidential STD screening services and doctor at hotel service in dubai. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals ensures that you receive accurate results and comprehensive care. We also offer at-home testing services for your convenience and privacy.

    Booking Your Appointment

    To schedule your full STD screening test or to inquire about our services, contact Medilife Home Care Clinic at +97152 345 2646. Take control of your health with our comprehensive and confidential testing services.